

  1. 根据之前的分析结果,求解器花费时间基本都在step方法上
     def step(self):
         # this method represents the whole process of a major step
         # it returns a generator, which yields at each minor step
         t = self.t
         h = self.step_size
         y_init = self.state_array
         K = np.empty((self.stage_num + 1, self.state_num), dtype='float')
         K[0] = self.deriv_fun(t, y_init, 0)
         for s, (a, c) in enumerate(zip(self.A[1:], self.C[1:]), start=1):
             # x = c
             dy = np.dot(K[:s].T, a[:s]) * h
             self.output_fun(t + c * h, y_init + dy, c * h)
             K[s] = self.deriv_fun(t + c * h, y_init + dy, c * h)
         y_new = y_init + h * np.dot(K[:-1].T, self.B)
         # TODO: calculate f_new for error check
         self.state_array = y_new
         self.t_prev = t
         self.t = t + h
  2. 仿真的过程大致为,在每个步长中:
    1. 所有模块output
    2. 所有模块update
    3. 所有模块solve 在solve中,会为每个模块生成一个求解器,求解时就是执行对应的step()方法。所以step函数的时间开销比较大。
  3. 之前讨论过temporary分支和dev分支,对于temporary分支,就是在小周期不更新,具体说就是离散模块不会调用这个step,而是调用包装类的_dummy_generator方法。
     def _dummy_generator(self):
         # for systems with no need to solve
         # make sure the generator works well
         # TODO: get stage num from engine
         for i in range(2 * self.solver.stage_num - 1):
  4. 在step方法中,对于连续模块所有步骤都是必要的,包括计算新的状态变量、调用output_fun、deriv_fun,但是对于离散模块来说只需要output_fun就可以完成在小周期输出的功能。
  5. 在rk.py中增加一个dummy_step方法,连续模块依然调用step,离散模块调用dummy_step来替代。
     def dummy_step(self):
         # this method will be called by systems without continuous state variables
         t = self.t
         h = self.step_size
         for c in self.C[1:]:
             self.output_fun(t + c * h, self.state_array, c * h)
         self.t = t + h
  6. 更改过后测试rzip,和之前的dev分支的结果一致,没有影响准确性,scalene测试时间在400s左右,时间降低约1/3。现在的测试结果如下。
    1. system_proxy.py: % of time = 27.2%
      1. SystemProxy.collect_input_data
      2. SystemProxy.ode_output_func
      3. SystemProxy.solve
    2. math_operation/product/system.py: % of time = 13.8%
      1. System.is_scalar
      2. System.output
    3. rk.py: % of time = 8.1%
      1. RK4.dummy_step(大部分)
      2. RK4.step
    4. math_operation/sum/system.py: % of time = 6.9%
      1. System.output
    5. numpy/core/shape_base.py: % of time = 6.0%
      1. System.atleast_2d
    6. base_system.py: % of time = 5.2%
      1. System.set_output_data
      2. System.solve
    7. model_runtime.py: % of time = 5.0%
      1. ModelRuntime.solve
  7. 整体来看,rk.py的时间占比已经大幅度下降,system_proxy还有比较大的优化空间,下一步重点看system_proxy。
