Accounting is an information and measurement system that records, analyses, summarizes information about an organization’s business activities.
Sole Proprietorship: owned by an individual, not a separate legal entity, unlimited liabilities, no legal requirement for full disclosure and so forth.
Parternership: nearly the same as above.
Limited Company(Corporation): a separate legal entity, limited liabilities, legal requirement for full disclosure and so forth.
Relevance and Faithful Representation.
Materiality(Imagine one supermarket and one shop. If each of them suffered a loss of 10,000 dollars in financial statement, which suffered more?)
Substance over form. (Middleman Landlord)
Assest: a past event, a present resource, that can yield benefits in the future(inflow of resources), as a result of past events
Key Words: Receivable, Credit Sales
Liabilities: a past event, a present obligation, that can transfer an economic resource(outflow of resources)
Key Words: Payable, Credit Purchases, Unearned Revenue
Equity(net assests or residual equity ): the residual interest in the assests of the entity after deducting all its liabilities.
Equity= Owner's capital-Owner's withdrawals+ Revenues- Expenses
书上45 详细分类 The Account 会计科目
Accrual Basis(权责发生制):Under this method, revenue is accounted for when it is earned. (A customer is received)
Cash Basis(现金收付制):Under this method, revenue is reported on the income statement only when cash is received.